A registered landscape architect must have completed 12 hours of acceptable continuing education during the two-year period immediately preceding each biennial renewal date as a condition for registration renewal.
An applicant for registration renewal who has been initially registered in Georgia as a registered landscape architect for one year, but less than two, at the date of registration expiration must have completed six hours of acceptable continuing education during the period between initial registration and the expiration date as a condition for registration renewal.
An applicant for license renewal who has been initially licensed in Georgia as a registered landscape architect for less than one year at the date of registration expiration will not be required to complete any hours of continuing education prior to that first registration expiration date as a condition for license renewal.
All applicants for biennial registration renewal will report having completed the continuing education required in this section as part of the application for registration renewal.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this section will result in non-renewal of the landscape architect registration. Registered landscape architects whose registrations have expired for non-renewal are prohibited from identifying themselves as registered landscape architects and practicing landscape architecture.
The board must verify satisfactory requirements of the provisions on a test basis.
Licensee has responsibility for maintaining a four-year record with sufficient detail to permit audit verification. The information is submitted with the biennial renewal application and fee.
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